Great New
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited confirms to join ASEC2017 !
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a parastatal organization under the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. The company generates,transmits,distributes and sells electricity to Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO) which in turn sells it to the public in islands_Unguja and Pemba.TANESCO owns most of the electricity Generating,Transmitting and Distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland.
Lugano Wilson, Director of TANESCO, will give a speech named “Eastern Africa’s Energy Sector-
TANESCO’s Role and Vision”.
Conference Background
With thousands of off grid projects springing up across the Africa, solar project owners and developers require huge amounts of financing.
Africa is among the strongest solar resources in the world, it brings tremendous opportunities to solar and energy storage industry in African developing countries, Solar is also being promoted to replace fuel-based lighting and off-grid electrical needs. The great market potential has encouraged Leader Group to launch Africa Solar + Energy Storage Congress & Expo 2017 to be held in Nairobi, Kenya on June 27-28, 2017. Participants such as Governments, Utilities, Project developers, Investors, Energy storage products manufacturers, Consulting firms, as well as other related sectors are invited to together discuss opportunities, challenges and solutions for solar andenergy storage development in African market, especially Kenya, South Africa, Morocco, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda.
Basic information
Name : Africa Solar + Energy Storage Congress & Expo 2017
Date : June 27-28, 2017
Location : Nairobi, Kenya
Website :
Contact us
For speaking opportunities, please contact: Coco Fu via coco (at)
For sponsorship enquiries, please contact: Oscar Yeung via oscaryeung(at)
For delegates enquiries, please contact: Vince Chen via vince(at)